Semantic Structures:

Transformation(s) Parameters Iterations Instances


The second aspect in building generative design systems are parameters. Parameter is the range of a specific quality, a trait, a behavior, or an appearance. A human is a good way to think of parameters. It has a certain height, certain legs-to-body proportion, and a certain hair density, but also a certain number of meals per day, or a certain average of sleep hours. Those are all parameters, with a certain minimum and maximum value for each parameter. The range of some parameters can be fixed, others are in a constant state of change. Parameters are important in generative design systems because they provide boundaries to transformations.

Numeric parameter

A good way to understand them, is by thinking in numbers first. A range that has 1 as a minimum value, and 10 as the maximum value is a numeric parameter. We can then fill that numeric parameter in different ways.

Also, it is important to label parameters according to what they represent, sp that they adquire a semantic meaning in the generative design system. This parameter can be called “density” because we are defining how dense the content between 1 and 10 can be. The last density example decreases exponentially from 10 to 0.1.

            1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9, 10.  
            0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 . . . 9.9, 10.0.
            1, 3.3, 6.6, 10.
            10,5,2.5,1.25,0.625 . . . 0.1.      

We could take the grid transformation and add a parameter to it. As previously, explained, each cell of the grid can be accessed, and can also be replaced for any other type of content. The new parameter for the grid is called “displacement”, because it defines how much offset each shape has from its origin position on each cell. The parameter loops through each object along the X-axis and Y-axi.

            function setup() {
              createCanvas(600, 600);
              var diameter = 50;
              var margin = diameter / 2;
              for (var y = diameter; y < width - margin; y += diameter) {
                for (var x = diameter; x < height - margin; x += diameter) {

                  //parameter: displacement
                  var disp =10;
                  ellipse(random(x - disp, x + disp), random(y - disp, y + disp), diameter);
Grid Variation 1
displacement value = 1
Grid Variation 18
displacement value = 5
Grid Variation 17
displacement value = 10
Grid Variation 16
displacement value = 20
Grid Variation 15
displacement value = 30
Grid Variation 14
displacement value = 40
Grid Variation 13
displacement value = 50
Grid Variation 12
displacement value = 60
Grid Variation 11
displacement value = 70
Grid Variation 10
displacement value = 80
Grid Variation 9
displacement value = 90
Grid Variation 8
displacement value = 100
Grid Variation 7
displacement value = 150
Grid Variation 6
displacement value = 200
Grid Variation 5
displacement value = 500
Grid Variation 4
displacement value = 1000
Grid Variation 3
displacement value = 1500
Grid Variation 2
displacement value = 2000

Parameters in motion

We could take the transformation in motion and change the value of each of its parameters. We get therefore a new result with new dimension without altering its core functionality.

          //parameter: object size
          var diameter = 80;
          // parameter: width ratio aspect
          var factor = 0.5;
          //parameter: A speed
          var globalSpeedX = 14;

          //parameter: B speed
          var globalSpeedY = 2;
          // parameter: total width
          var valHeight = 300;

          //parameter: total height
          var valWidth = 600;

          var posX;
          var posY;
          var speedX;
          var speedY;
          function setup() {
            createCanvas(valWidth, valHeight);

            posX = 0;
            posY = diameter;
            speedX = globalSpeedX;
            speedY = 0;
            valHeight = height;
            valWidth = width;
          function draw() {
            var factormapped = map(factor, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
            rect(0, 0, valWidth * factor, valHeight, 20);
            rect(valWidth * factor, 0, valWidth * factormapped, valHeight, 20);
            text("A", posX, valHeight / 2);
            text("B", valWidth - (valWidth * factormapped) / 2, posY);
            posX += speedX;
            posY += speedY;
            if (posX >= valWidth * factor - diameter) {
              speedX = 0;
              speedY = globalSpeedY;
            if (
              posY >= valHeight - diameter / 4 &&
              posX >= valWidth * factor - diameter
            ) {
              speedY = 0;
              speedX = -globalSpeedX;
            if (posX < diameter / 2 && posY >= valHeight - diameter) {
              speedX = 0;
              speedY = -globalSpeedY;
            if (posX < diameter / 2 && posY < diameter) {
              speedY = 0;
              speedX = globalSpeedX;


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Hello fellow friend!

Transform, Learn, Liberate: Building generative design systems for the web is a programming project and generative tool that isn’t fully optimized for mobile screens yet.

It's best experienced on larger displays, like desktops or laptops, since the generative tool requires different input formats such as text input and file uploads. Additionally, it uses coding technologies that might run considerably slower on mobile devices at this time. For the best experience, it is recommended switching to a laptop or desktop!