
Type Morpher Flexible Motion Grid Rhythmic Glyphs

Rhythmic Glyphs

Rhythmic Glyphs is a generative design system that generates rhythmic text strings along trigonometric paths.

Rhythmic Glyphs: Transformation

The transformation of rhythmic glyph uses trigonometric functions. Its principle is based on trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent, which are integrated functions of p5.js. Each glyph from a text input fills an array which is then translated into separated characters, each one following a trigonometric animation. and a value returned from a trigonometric calculation is given to each character, creating a clean rhythm

Relevating coding functions for a grid transformation

            let input;
            let Xdensity;
            let size;
            let letters = [];
            function setup() {
              createCanvas(600, 600);
              input = createInput("The quick brown fox");
              Xdensity = 6;
              size = 50;
            function draw() {
              const val = input.value();
              let xOffset = 0;
              for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
                const charWidth = textWidth(val[i]);
                const xPosition = i * Xdensity + xOffset;
                letters[i] = new Letter(val[i], xPosition, i);
                xOffset += charWidth;
            class Letter {
              constructor(character, x, index) {
                this.character = character;
                this.x = x;
                this.index = index;
                this.size = 50;
                this.Yspeed = 1;
                this.amplitude = 180;
                this.frequency = 0.3;
                this.y = this.calculateYPosition();
              calculateYPosition() {
                return 400 + sin(this.index * this.frequency) * this.amplitude;
              display() {
                text(this.character, this.x, this.y);

Open the sketch in the p5 editor ↗

Rhythmic Glyphs: Parameters

The parameters are height density, width density, frequency, amplitude, repetitions, size, time factor, shear X factor, blur, and fly effect. Below are examples of the parameters amplitude and shear X factor. Below is an example with the parameter amplitude.

Relevating coding functions for a grid transformation

          let input;
          let Xdensity;
          let frequency;
          let amplitude;
          let size;
          let speed;
          let letters = [];
          let arrayOfLines = [];
          let numberLines;
          let sliderAmplitude;
          function setup() {
            input = createInput("WORDS WEAVE DREAMS");
            numberLines = 3; // Number of arrays of letters
            Xdensity = 20;
            frequency = 0.2;
            amplitude = 100;
            size = 35;
            sliderAmplitude = createSlider(20,200,100,1)
          function draw() {
            background(250, 200);
            let valAmplitude = sliderAmplitude.value();
            const val = input.value();
            const totalWidth = val.length * textWidth('W') * 0.6; // Total width of the text
            let xOffset = (width - totalWidth) / 2; // Starting x-position to center the text
            for (let j = 0; j < numberLines; j++) {
              // Clear the array for each line
              letters = [];
              // Calculate y-position for each line
              let yPosition = j * 50;
              // Create letters for the current line
              for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
                const charWidth = textWidth(val[i]);
                const xPosition = xOffset + i * Xdensity * 0.6; // Adjusted x-position for each character
                // Calculate y-position with sine wave effect
                let yOffset = sin((i + frameCount / 6) * frequency) * valAmplitude;
                // Adjust y-position for the current line
                let adjustedYPosition = yPosition + yOffset;
                letters.push(new Letter(val[i], xPosition, adjustedYPosition));
                xOffset += charWidth * 0.6;
              xOffset = (width - totalWidth) / 2;
          class Letter {
            constructor(character, x, y) {
              this.character = character;
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
              this.Yspeed = 2; // Randomize speed for each letter
            update() {
              this.y += this.Yspeed;
            display() {
              text(this.character, this.x,  300 + this.y);

Open the sketch in the p5 editor ↗

Rhythmic Glyphs: Iterations

The development of Rhythmic Glyphs took a few iterations, each one giving new results.

Relevating coding functions for a grid transformation

          let input;
let Xdensity;
let frequency;
let amplitude;
let size;
let Yspeed;
let Ypos;
let abstand;
let speed;
let letterPositions;

function setup() {
  input = createInput("THE BROWN FOX JUMPS");
  Xdensity = 6;
  frequency = 0.2;
  amplitude = 100;
  size = 50;
  Yspeed = 0.05;
  abstand = 100;
  letterPositions = []; 

function draw() {

  const val = input.value();
  let xOffset = 0;

  for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
    const charWidth = textWidth(val[i]);

    const xPosition = i * Xdensity + xOffset;
    let letterPos = letterPositions[i];
    if (!letterPos) { 
      letterPos = createVector(xPosition, 0);
      letterPositions[i] = letterPos;

    letterPos.y += Yspeed * sin(i * frequency) * amplitude;

    text(val[i], letterPos.x, letterPos.y);   
    xOffset += charWidth;

    if (letterPos.y >= height) {
      letterPos.y = 0;
Open the sketch in the p5 editor ↗

Rhythmic Glyphs: Instances

Below are three diferente instances of Rhythmic Glyphs. All possible instances can be explored in the live tool↗.

text input = "GOVOTE"
text input = "::::::::::"


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